Positive and negative of exercise in the fit gym. Part III. Date Added: Monday 18 November, 2002 Manufacturer: Gabriela Vávrů TEXT_PERFEX We can find less negative on the second side of positive. You must go to fit gym everytime. You need not have the good mood every day. So you need more motivation for going to fit gym. When I enter to the door of fit gym, I will not return and go to exercise by hard training my body. It helps me.
Positive and negative pages of exercise in the fit gym.Part II. Date Added: Monday 18 November, 2002 Manufacturer: Gabriela Vávrů TEXT_PERFEX The work time of fit gyms are usually longer. In the morning times to afternoon times till to the evening times. It is good for working people, which want to go exercies to fit gym centre. It can go exerciese the manager /in the evening hours/ like the students or hosehold women in the morning hours.
Proteins Date Added: Monday 18 November, 2002 Manufacturer: Gabriela Vávrů TEXT_PERFEX They are the basic building element of the body. The body will take the energy from the sacharides for the first and then take the energy from the fats, after the fats like the last will come on the row the proteins. Body can produce from proteins the sacharides and use for being live, becuase the body will try to live in everytime.
Pulse frequency and exercise.Tepová frekvence a cvičení. Date Added: Monday 18 November, 2002 Manufacturer: Jiří Semenec TEXT_PERFEX Do you know which pulse frequency you have at the exercise? It is not anything hard. You can find it yourself alodn these several rules.
Sex after the exercise? Date Added: Monday 18 November, 2002 Manufacturer: Jiří Semenec TEXT_PERFEX You know it sure. You feel pleasant tired after the exercise and you think on the sex plays.
Sex not only at the holiday.. Date Added: Monday 18 November, 2002 Manufacturer: Jiří Semenec TEXT_PERFEX Have you been at the holiday this year? And how have you smacked sex?
Soya meat on the vegetable. Date Added: Monday 18 November, 2002 Manufacturer: Gabriela Vávrů TEXT_PERFEX Soya meat on the vegetable is very healthy delicacy.
Sugars/ sacharides/ carbohydrates. Date Added: Monday 18 November, 2002 Manufacturer: Gabriela Vávrů TEXT_PERFEX Foods, which are rich on the sugars are very important like source of energy for people, which do the sport acitvities. It is important the sacharides no a lot of fats, that is why the cakes, cookies and another sweets are not suitable like source of sacharides.
Teas, which are not quite teas. Date Added: Monday 18 November, 2002 Manufacturer: Gabriela Vávrů TEXT_PERFEX You know them sure, yu drink them or you heard about them. So remember on them. They are interesting by theirs structure like it is not cofein Rooibos tea. The sweet, turkisch tea proper among these kinds of teas.
TENERIFFE-island of eternal spring, plants and joys. Date Added: Monday 18 November, 2002 Manufacturer: Gabriela Vávrů TEXT_PERFEX Let you go with us on the island, where the spirng in never finished, sea splashs and greens entices to the relaxation walking.
Jeden Holanďan přišel po dlouhé době ke zpovědi.
Otče, musím se přiznat ke hříchu, říká knězovi. Za druhé světové války jsem v podkroví schoval jednoho žida.
Ale to přece není žádný hřích - i když byl asi jiné víry než vy, jde o pomoc bližnímu! odpoví otec.
Ale já ho schoval za podmínky, že mi za každý týden zaplatí dvacet guldenů...
No... To sice není hezké, ale přesto jste mu vlastně zachránil život, že...
Děkuji za rozhřešení, otče, moc se mi ulevilo. Ale... Ještě mám jeden dotaz..
Inu, klidně se ptej, synu!
Neměl bych mu říci, že válka už skončila??!
Ženy se nevystrojují pro úžas a obdiv nás mužů, nýbrž pro úžas a podiv žen. (Karel Čapek)